Student Area - Rules and Regulations

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[Student Area|Teacher Area|Judge Area] Rules and Regulations
Animal Experimentation
Required Scientific Papers
Required Papers Guide
Research Involving Humans
Reference List Format
Research Summary Format

Rules and Regulations

The following rules apply to all Chicago public school students participating in the Chicago Area STEM Exhibitions and the citywide STEM Exhibition.

  • Pupils in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades are restricted in the STEM Exhibition program to participation at the local and Chicago Area levels. Only students in the seventh through twelfth grades attending a Chicago public school may participate in the citywide STEM Exhibition.
  • All high school projects must be done on an individual basis.
    Elementary school projects may be worked on by a maximum of
    two students.
  • Four students from the sixth grade will be selected from each Chicago Area STEM Exhibition to attend a special luncheon and tour during the citywide STEM Exhibition. The participants will not exhibit projects at the citywide STEM Exhibition.
  • The exhibitor’s personal appearance adds to the attractiveness of
    the exhibit. Students should dress neatly and appropriately for
    the occasion.
  • All exhibitors must have entered at least one Chicago Area STEM Exhibition.  Exhibitors will be selected by their Chicago Area STEM Exhibition Committee before being allowed to participate in the citywide STEM Exhibition.
  • Exhibits must conform to size limitations. No easels or tripods are
    allowed on the floor around the exhibit. Floor-mounted exhibits will not be considered for competition beyond the Chicago Area level.
  • Exhibits must be constructed so that wall space is not required. All
    exhibits must be freestanding. Objects may not be attached to draperies or exhibitor identification sign.
  • The STEM Exhibition Committee will provide space on a table, a table covering, an identification sign, and an extension cord (if needed). The student must provide all other needs of his/her exhibit (for example, transparent tape, tacks, staples, tools). The exhibit space can only accommodate a display of the following dimensions: 76cm deep, 122cm wide, 122cm high. No exceptions are made.